Plan your Visit

9302 Navarre Parkway
Navarre, FL 32566
Sunday Services
9:15am Sunday School
Life Groups
10:30am Worship Service
5:00pm Bible Study
Doors open 30 minutes prior
to services for fellowship and refreshments.

When you arrive on campus there is ample parking in either of our south or north lots. Guest parking is located directly in front of our worship center for your connivence.
If it is raining and you need to drop riders off, there is a covered drop off lane along side the West of the building, just to the left if you face the main doors.

The main entrance into our worship center and its lobby is directly under the steeple, which can be seen from anyplace on our campus. When you enter the double doors you will be warmly greeted by our Welcome Team, who are there to help you.

Directly inside our lobby to the right is our information station. There you can ask questions, receive information and get directions throughout the campus. One of our friendly First Impression Team members will be at the desk to help you in any way you need.
Also, for your enjoyment, there is a coffee and refreshment station directly to the left in our lobby. Feel free to help yourself.

Kids Check In
Your family's safety and security is a top priority. As we are in the process of constructing a new, state of the art children's facility, our children's check in stations are located just to the left and right of the lobby.
Infants & walkers check in to the right (East)
When you check in you will receive a page number and will be either sent a text or the number will appear on the worship center wall if your child requires you.

Worship Center
At the center of our campus is the heart of our church, the worship center, where we sing, pray, learn, serve and grow. There are 5 main doors to our worship center (A,B,C,D & E) and you may enter any of your choice. The room is set up in a semicircle with no bad seat. Feel free to sit where you are most comfortable.
If you need a Bible, bulletin, pen, or tissue there are blue boxes under the aisle chairs located on every other row for your convenience.

Life Groups Map
Click on the picture on the left to see a detailed campus map.
Life Groups at 9:15am with worship service to follow at 10:30am.
W-109: Nursery, Birth - 2 years
W-108: 3 - 4 year olds
W-101: K - 2nd grade
W-102: 3rd - 4th grade
A-010: Youth Group (Admin Bldg)
W-103: College & Career
A-001: Pairs & Spares (Admin Bldg)
W-103: Ladies Class
W-106: Couples and Seniors over 60 yrs of age
W-105: Men's Class